Economic Slavery

The economy is dwindling, apparently all over the world. Why? Frankly, I find global economy to be one of the most perplexing subjects to discuss. To this day, I don't feel I truly understand it. However, from observing how things seem to be working in this day and age, the conclusion about economy looms over my head like a vulture.…

Read more about the article The Expensive Side Effects of Rules
Current "fiat money"

The Expensive Side Effects of Rules

Life is expensive. At least, it is so in developed countries. But why does life have to be so expensive in one place, and so cheap in another? The problem must lie in the place of residence itself. So what is it about the United States of America and Puerto Rico that makes life so costly? The answer is obvious:…


Gasoline is Cheaper than Water!!!

Well, I never thought it could be possible, but as I casually pumped gas into my car this morning the thought began to crawl up the back of my neck. Puerto Rico sells gas by the liter and currently the price for regular gas is going from $ 0.97 to 1.04 (more or less) per liter. Suddenly the neurons in…


Black Friday… WTF?!?!?!!

Black Friday... the shopping tradition has reached the point of ridiculous and abhorrent. Upon analysis, I'm beginning to think that this day and the accompanying reduction in brain matter that results from behaving like a primitive homo erectus is the epitome of what is wrong with society today. These people pushing against a door like the jews would have done…


On Occupy Wall Street…

Occupy Wall Street... I have conflicting feelings.  On the one hand, I understand the recession is making everybody desperate and the disparity between social classes keeps increasing, but on the other hand, I also reckon, it is the rich people who drive the economy for they make the businesses that make the jobs that we live on. If not, then they lend…


Money: What Exactly is It?

Money; it appears to be a rather important thing these days.  Everybody wants it, or perhaps they need it.  Those who have it, apparently are never satisfied and are always looking for more (there’s that word again) of it. If you read the news you realize most people are actually willing to kill for it! This “money” must be a…


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